Nature Hair Centres - Toronto

Opening Hours : Tuesday to Saturday – 10 am to 5pm
  Contact : (416) 444-5497

Hair Transplant Restoration – Toronto

Micro Injection Grafting

There are many factors to consider when planning your hair transplant. The following are two factors that must not be overlooked.

  1. Your age. This is important as you have to calculate the degree of hair loss you may have over time.
  2. Your hair line. This is very important as the hair line must suit your face now and when you grow older.

Micro Injection Grafting is the technique we use in planting. There are many other steps we imply from pre-operative to post-operative that we have developed to achieve the final look of your hair transplant.

As far as we are concerned, Micro Injection Grafting is the state of the art in Hair Transplantation today. This technique allows us to make the most natural looking hair transplant and that has always been our goal.

So what makes Micro Injection Grafting different from most other techniques?

Very simple. The donor hair is microscopically dissected into single follicular units; these units are then sized up. A fine needle is then selected to accommodate the size of your follicular unit. The selected needle then makes the incision in the recipient area that best suites your follicular unit. This technique is so precise and delicate that as soon as the incision is made, the follicular unit must be planted. With this technique you can not make all the incisions first, as most clinics do, because the incisions would seal before the follicular unit could be planted.  We find that, by using this technique, you are able to plant the grafts closer together resulting in the most natural looking appearance possible. It takes skilled experts with years of experience to carry out this technique and we take immense pride in the results we have achieved.

Case Studies


Case Study (Bernie)

Follicular Unit Extraction

This term is being heard more frequently in the hair transplantation world, and some people are uncertain as to its meaning.  Basically it refers to a different method of harvesting transplantable units as opposed to the classical strip technique. FUE involves extraction of each donor piece on an individual basis. This avoids the linear scar that results from the donor strip method, but replaces it with hundreds of little individual scars caused by the extraction of each graft.

There are certain advantages to FUE and anyone considering it as a surgical option should certainly go over them with their surgeon.  My personal feeling is that the indications are few and that the classical method is still, by far, the method of choice.

As we say, however, feel free to explore the options and always feel comfortable about asking.

Hair Loss Scales

All though there are many variations of hair loss patterns. The following charts show the most common patterns. Theses charts are internationally recognized and are used to identify your degree and pattern of hair loss.

The Norwood Scale for Mens Hair Loss

Norwood Scale

The Ludwig Scale for Womens Hair Loss

The Ludwig Scale